Here’s a free PDF list of DUI Pre-Miranda Questions!
DUI Investigations are a common situation for patrol cops. Although the general concepts are relatively simple, conducting a solid DUI investigation that will hold up in court can be a challenge if we are not properly prepared. This form will help you out with one crucial area of DUIs: the pre-Miranda questions.

CA Firearms Laws - Overview
California has some of the strictest firearms laws in the United States. Here’s an overview of key laws related to firearms ownership, possession, sales, and use in California:
Need to Restock your Patrol Vehicle? Here’s a quick list!
Patrol shifts can be a grind, and it’s easy to over look basic routines of stocking gear. So, if you need to verify and restock your PATROL VEHICLE, here’s a list of the essentials!

Quick List to Restock Your PATROL BAG
When you are starting the Academy, the lists of things to do can become overwhelming — staying organized is a life-saving skill! We are here to help out with that. Whether you are building your first patrol bag, or could just use a list to make sure yours is fully stocked, here is list of the essentials. Let us know if we missed anything! - Team TacBook

Do you need to build or restock your CSI Kit? Here's a list!
When fresh out of the Academy, our CSI kit was stocked! Well, many of us burned through those items. Here is a quick list to help with that!͏ ͏

50 Law Enforcement Associations (With Links)
50 Law Enforcement Associations: Want to be more involved with any of the important missions of law enforcement? Joining an association is a great way to start! One or more of these may be for you!
Our list of 50 associations with links is a quick way to learn about their causes and how to join.
#lawenforcement #careerdevelopment #tacbookusa #bepatrolready

Protected Groups or a “Special Victims”? Who are they?
What’s a protected group? Who is a Special Victim?

Dealing with Juveniles
"Get away from my car" versus "Here's a sticker" : a few reminders when dealing with juveniles.

Step up your D-Tac: Go Off The X!

Are you ANGRY at the courts? Why even work so hard on your case?
Are you ANGRY at the courts? Why even work so hard on your case?

What is Qualified Immunity?
Many LEOs are extremely busy, but this is not an area you want to neglect. Here’s a reminder from Team TacBook to find out how protected YOU are in terms of qualified immunity! The information and resources are there. Seek them out today!

Opiate vs opioid? Sure, I know the difference! Umm…er…
As an LEO, you have to stay sharp in many fields, including CS - Controlled Substances. The TacBook has a great section on Drugs, to help you in the field and to speak intelligently on the subject. Sometimes we cops confuse the term “opiate” and “opioid”.
In case it has been a while since you reviewed these terms, here is a little refresher!

Are you into Stoicism?
Stoicism, an ancient philosophy developed by Greek and Roman philosophers, has been gaining popularity among law enforcement professionals in recent years

Supervisor’s Reading List
Recommended Reading List for Supervisors From CA POST - 87 books, Alphabetized and with links to purchase. This list hasn't changed in some time... Do you agree that some material might be a bit stale? Others seem pretty timeless and critical, and perhaps vital for LEO leaders in all echelons to read. LEO readers and leaders, we welcome your expert insights here.

I am asking for your expert opinon!
The TacBook is an outstanding resource for officers to find the laws in the field in seconds. This is not just my opinon - it is based on thousands of reviews and emails.
But I know it can be better. Please help me understand how, so we can deliver it to you.

Have you read this popular book for LEOs?
As we mentioned in a previous BOLO, one of the most recommended books for LEO’s is “Emotional Survival for Law Enforcement”. Have you read it? If not, here’s the scoop!

Case Laws are Crucial! Here’s 10!
Which LEO couldn’t use a little refresher on Case Law?

The top 5 Police books of 2022-23
There is so much more essential reading for LEOs! What are YOUR top 5?

Pocket-sized Power Tool
Police need tools, not gadgets.

Meet the TacBook
Before TacBook, I had yet to see a comprehensive field guide, combining the many topics we so commonly address.