Texas TacBook
Weather proof, tear proof, writable and loaded with essential content:
Vehicle Law
Criminal Statutes
Health and Safety Codes
Radio Codes
Field Sobriety Tests
Burglary/Robbery Response
Drug Information
Sex Crimes
Traffic Collisions
Spanish Translation
CPR and First Aid
Terrorism Awareness
Case Law
Legal Terms
124 Pages+
…and More!
Weather proof, tear proof, writable and loaded with essential content:
Vehicle Law
Criminal Statutes
Health and Safety Codes
Radio Codes
Field Sobriety Tests
Burglary/Robbery Response
Drug Information
Sex Crimes
Traffic Collisions
Spanish Translation
CPR and First Aid
Terrorism Awareness
Case Law
Legal Terms
124 Pages+
…and More!
Weather proof, tear proof, writable and loaded with essential content:
Vehicle Law
Criminal Statutes
Health and Safety Codes
Radio Codes
Field Sobriety Tests
Burglary/Robbery Response
Drug Information
Sex Crimes
Traffic Collisions
Spanish Translation
CPR and First Aid
Terrorism Awareness
Case Law
Legal Terms
124 Pages+
…and More!
Police Officers and Deputies – This field guide is for you! The TacBook is the first, pocket-sized, durable and comprehensive field guide designed by police trainers specifically for law enforcement professionals. The TacBook contains essential laws, codes and procedures. The material is color-coded and categorized so officers can quickly find the information they need in the field. When officers have the information they need within reach, they can be more efficient with operations and maintain better control of scenes. This can promote the most important factor in law enforcement: officer safety. In addition to the important criminal, vehicle and drug laws, the TacBook also includes useful diagrams, case law, radio codes, investigative procedures CPR / First Aid and Spanish.