Here’s a free PDF list of DUI Pre-Miranda Questions!
Marcus Mahanty Marcus Mahanty

Here’s a free PDF list of DUI Pre-Miranda Questions!

DUI Investigations are a common situation for patrol cops. Although the general concepts are relatively simple, conducting a solid DUI investigation that will hold up in court can be a challenge if we are not properly prepared. This form will help you out with one crucial area of DUIs: the pre-Miranda questions.

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50 Law Enforcement Associations (With Links)
Marcus Mahanty Marcus Mahanty

50 Law Enforcement Associations (With Links)

50 Law Enforcement Associations: Want to be more involved with any of the important missions of law enforcement? Joining an association is a great way to start! One or more of these may be for you!

Our list of 50 associations with links is a quick way to learn about their causes and how to join.

#lawenforcement #careerdevelopment #tacbookusa #bepatrolready

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